BST Time Now - Bougainville Standard Time Time Now

BST = UTC + 11:00


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

BST(Bougainville Standard Time)

Bougainville Standard Time(BST) is 11:00 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal(UTC) Time.This timezone is used during standard time in: Pacific

Typical City of BST (Bougainville Standard Time)

Papua New Guinea - Arawa (All Year)

Related Timezone

BSTBritish Summer Time
BSTBangladesh Standard Time

Other Timezone with in UTC + 11:00

AEDTAustralian Eastern Daylight Time
CASTCasey Time
KOSTKosrae Time
LLima Time Zone
LHDTLord Howe Daylight Time
MAGTMagadan Time
NCTNew Caledonia Time
NFTNorfolk Time
PONTPohnpei Standard Time
SAKTSakhalin Time
SBTSolomon Islands Time
SRETSrednekolymsk Time
VLASTVladivostok Summer Time
VUTVanuatu Time